Traditional Full Dentures

Traditional Full Dentures

Dentures are a type of removable dental appliance that can be used to replace all of your missing teeth at one time. They are typically made of acrylic or a metal base and are designed to fit snugly over your gum tissues to create a secure fit throughout the day....

Zygomatic Implants

Have you been told you have limited jaw bone and dental implants won’t work for you?  Good news! Zygomatic Implants are a safe and effective way to avoid the costly and unpredictable method of advanced bone grafting.   Zygomatic implants are...
Dental Implants vs. Bridges

Dental Implants vs. Bridges

Are you planning to replace a tooth that’s missing? Are you arranging to have a “bad” tooth removed? Planning your tooth replacement ahead of time will help keep your bite aligned, minimize embarrassing situations, and allow you to eat your favorite foods. Fixed...

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Dental implants are quickly gaining popularity as the best tooth replacement in Jacksonville, FL. But before you set your heart on dental implant treatment , here are some FAQs you might have about the process: Are you ready to get a tooth replaced? The earlier you...